AquaGreen, has together with Aarhus University, Roskilde University, DTU and Nordphos been awarded DKK 6.000.000+ from Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet to participate in a GUDP-project (Green Development and Demonstration programme).
The main objective is to investigate the local production of grass protein powder in an economical and sustainable manner. After the grass has been collected and pressed, the pressed grass pulp is dried and pyrolyzed to produce grassbiochar and renewable energy.
The renewable energy is used for drying the leftover protein rich grass juice into a protein powder. Thanks to integrating the AquaGreen combined steam- and pyrolysis unit in the process, the energy required is supplied by the grass itself. Thereby, the production of grass protein powder and grassbiochar becomes a truly sustainable business case. The grassbiochar has potential high market value application as e.g. toxin binder in the feed industry or as pollutant removers.
Det Nationale Bioøkonomipanel aims to replace 30% of the imported soy-based feedstocks with locally produced protein sources by 2030 (for the more information see the article below). By integrating a biorefining plant and an AquGreen combined steamdrying- and pyrolysis unit, this can be achieved with 120.000 acres of grass field.