Solar Impulse Reaches 1000 Solutions

We are proud to announce that the foundation has reached its goal and our “Integrated Steam Drying and Pyrolysis” is part of the portfolio along with #1000solutions.


We are very proud to announce, that AquaGreen has been awarded the Solar Impulse Efficient Solution Label, and we are now part of a worldwide movement. The Solar Impulse organization strives to select the 1000 best companies worldwide, which through their unique technological solutions can help solving the world’s climate challenges.

Grass protein in GUDP project

AquaGreen, has together with Aarhus University, Roskilde University, DTU and Nordphos been awarded DKK 6.000.000+ from Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet to participate in a GUDP-project (Green Development and Demonstration programme).

DTU about AquaGreen

DTU spinout AquaGreen has found a way to turn sludge into marketable biochar – a sustainable coal that functions as fertilizer, improves the quality of soil and binds CO2 to the earth for more than 2.700 years. And the customers are lining up.

Reducing NOX thanks to CTI funding

We are very proud that CTI has decided to support AquaGreen’s steam drying- and pyrolysis solution and thereby contribute to further optimization of our solution and make it even more sustainable.

Case story: Municipal wastewater sludge

Since March 2017 AquaGreen has been working on the development and installation of a sustainable, combined steam dryer and pyrolysis solution. The solution has since August 2018, been installed at a municipal waste water treatment plant in Odense, Denmark, where dewatered sewage sludge has been successfully turned into biochar.

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