Sludge treatment plant attracts great interest

In an interview with, the CEO of Odsherred Forsyning, Fanny Villadsen, states that the interest in their newly installed steam-drying and pyrolysis plant has been great. They have had more than 450 visitors during the last 12 months who wanted to see the plant and hear more about the technology. The plant has been […]
Pyrolysis removes PFAS from sludge

Media in Denmark reports that “a state-of-the-art sludge treatment technology from the company AquaGreen has demonstrated that pyrolysis can remove PFAS from sewage sludge”.
AquaGreen secures new funding

The Danish energy company, Andel, and the bank, Sparekassen Sjælland-Fyn, have together invested 8.75mDKK in AquaGreen to accelerate the growth journey. Read the article here: Aquagreen sikrer sig ny kapitalindsprøjtning (
AquaGreen lands Swedish contract

AquaGreen participated in a bid with more competitors. After deliberations and presentations, we are extremely happy to announce that the project group (VA SYD, Gryaab Gothenborg, the municipalities of Kungsbacka and Lidköping, and VIVAB Falkenberg) decided to go with our solution.
Nordic Alpha Partners invest in AquaGreen

Nordic Alpha Partners’ investment and expertise make AquaGreen ready for a growth journey within wastewater sludge and manure management.
Solar Impulse Reaches 1000 Solutions

We are proud to announce that the foundation has reached its goal and our “Integrated Steam Drying and Pyrolysis” is part of the portfolio along with #1000solutions.
AquaGreens sludge treatment plant gets first local approval

Odsherred City Council approved to expand Odsherred Forsyning with a combined sludge drying- and pyrolysis plant.

We are very proud to announce, that AquaGreen has been awarded the Solar Impulse Efficient Solution Label, and we are now part of a worldwide movement. The Solar Impulse organization strives to select the 1000 best companies worldwide, which through their unique technological solutions can help solving the world’s climate challenges.
Grass protein in GUDP project

AquaGreen, has together with Aarhus University, Roskilde University, DTU and Nordphos been awarded DKK 6.000.000+ from Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet to participate in a GUDP-project (Green Development and Demonstration programme).
DTU about AquaGreen

DTU spinout AquaGreen has found a way to turn sludge into marketable biochar – a sustainable coal that functions as fertilizer, improves the quality of soil and binds CO2 to the earth for more than 2.700 years. And the customers are lining up.